没有华丽的台词, 只有真实的故事;没有规矩的故事, 只有零乱的事实。

Random words from the depth of the heart of a 22-year-old weird university student. Moving on...

Thursday 27 December 2012


A battle between my left brain and my right brain;
A battle between dreams and dreams;
A battle between fantasies and realities;
All I could do,
Is to struggle to keep my mind in control,
Is to wait for the battle to end by its own,
Is to let time solve the battles.

Dare to dream, you'll succeed,
How true is this?
Dream high, far-fetched,
How real is this?

Afraid of dreaming,
A coward I am?
When dreams are 1000 feet high in the clouds,
With a bottomless grave underneath,
Are you daring enough to pursue the 1000 feet
     ignoring the grave, out of sight,
And end up falling helplessly, might?

As for now,
Do I just notice the layers of oxygen above,
And forget there's a veil covering tanks of carbon monoxide underneath;
Or am I imagining the layers of carbon monoxide above,
And forget there's still tonnes of oxygen behind the veil?

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas this year is a bit different from the previous 16 Christmases before. Being a Buddhist, my family doesn't celebrate Christmas at all. This year I went caroling with my besties.

HEART-WARMING. This is what comes to my mind that moment. Even though we don't know each other, there's like a special bond between everyone. We sing together. Talk. Eat. We are like we have known each other well. Really joyous. And merry. :D

~Rudolph the red nose reindeer.. ~

Wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Have a good year ahead! GO AND STRIVE FOR WHAT YOU WANT! Santa only gives presents to good kids. :)

Monday 24 December 2012





但,当医生这个狂野的梦想,在高中毕业后,在观察了现实与梦想的差距,开始动摇。我爱自由,我爱自己的生活,我爱怎样就怎样,我爱旅游,我爱睡、我爱简单,我爱玩,不爱压力 - - 这些完全与医生这职业挂不上钩。医生忙,要面对残酷的生死,难搞的医患关系,增添了我对这职业的害怕。他们都说电视剧是虚拟的,不实际。

我色盲。这是最大的阻碍。曾经问过一些读着医科的人,问他们色盲能读医科否。不能。这个答案真把我逼疯。色盲,不是我能改变的,连上帝也改变不了的事实。把这件事告诉朋友,他们都震惊,像我一个读书这么厉害的人(我不认为如此)竟然是个红色绿色分不清的人。但有个朋友说,“你色盲没关系,你不是盲的。” 那时的震撼!




大马医生爆满,毕业后难找工作,也让我多了一分迟疑。有当医生的朋友说,“你不是很有兴趣,千万别当。” 他的这句话让我犹豫,我是兴趣,还是对医生这行业有太美好的想象?我不知道,真的。





Wednesday 12 December 2012

Headphones on.

While wandering on the Net, I stumbled upon this video.

Grenade by Bruno Mars, covered by a symphony orchestra.

Feel the richness of the tone, the grandness of the piece, the calmness of the song, the complexity of the arrangement. Although different from the original version, this brings another kind of feeling to listeners, e.g. me. Ya, that kind of feeling. For which I think I can only find in SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS. 

Perhaps this is why I am deeply in love with symphony orchestras. One day, I'll really get into one. :D

Monday 10 December 2012















还丑吗? :D

Friday 7 December 2012

扬琴 - 艺、意、义









扬琴有时也是个让我烦死的怪物,真烦死。140多根弦,专业者略调大概0.5小时,细调1小时(没错的话),像我这样的庸才略调1小时,细调2小时,衰的话 (断弦、一边准一边不准)可以到3小时。烦不?但也都值得,调完后有莫名的成就感!




Wednesday 5 December 2012

Damai Beach 1-day Trip

What I wrote in my SPM English essay came true today!

 At about 9 am, when I was doing my great business in the loo, Friend A and B were in front of my house with A's Vios (QAR XXXX). They were really punctual, I mean really, they were never early all these while. ;) A drove to C's house, had a quick breakfast, did some shopping for food and drinks somewhere on the way, then off we go.

Actually Damai is not somewhere special to all Kuchingites, but it's the feeling when you go to a place you've gone before, but with different people, especially your besties for 2 years. We did some normal beach activities, ie swimming and making a mess with sand. Heh.

Then we talked for 3 hours. And ate junk food of course! Although I was the one who kept striking up conversation topics, but it was really fun, especially talking about crap. Not forgetting some heart warming conversations too. Unfortunately, there was a torrential downpour, so we left for Kuching around 5.30 pm.

Dinner? A drove to the first restaurant, but it was closed. Meh. So we went to city area for a quick western dinner. Of course the bill was not cheap.

Perhaps you find this rather boring. But for me it was really fun. REAL FUN. It's 5 December 2012. But when else do we have time to sit together, chit-chat, waste time together? B's going for a vacation soon, and A will be studying early January and I'll be going to National Service very soon. I don't know C's plan. :3

I was HAPPY! Happiness is everywhere, but it really depends on oneself whether to mark it in one's life. Small little simple pleasures should not be always omitted. Before SPM, due to the stuffy schedule I don't even have time to enjoy these little pleasures. NOW I KNOW. I UNDERSTAND. THOSE DAYS ARE REALLY WASTED. And those days have left me.

p/s: Dear readers, do enjoy every moment of your life. Maybe this is boring, but don't you feel lucky and happy that you are able to find this boring?

Rain vs. Sunshine

There is rain. There is sunshine. Few months of rain doesn't mean the Sun has left.

There's always HOPE amidst HOPElessness. Believe in God and what He can give us.

Tuesday 4 December 2012


"剛才午飯去了雞飯店,砍雞肉的大嬸問我是不是印尼華僑,害我邊吃雞飯邊哭。心理有太多的不平衡,因為從小因為皮膚黑,被誤認成菲律賓人,泰國人,越南人,馬來人,印尼人,只差沒中過印度人。後來,想想,其實我們一直都活在別人的眼光裏。而別人的眼光也因大眾化的認可而易改變。也許,這就是所謂的潮流,把自己打扮成大家都認同的樣子。這就是二十一世紀。我們沒法改變眼前的事實,只是生活會不知不覺地少了那麽一丁點的個性和自信,隨後慢慢琢磨不到真正的自己。" - 摘自网络

难道, 这短短的人生里, 我们就为了取悦别人, 获得别人的认可赞同, 失去自己?

别人只看到所有正常人所看到的,最了解自己,最知道自己要什么的人也是自己!操控自己, 活出自己。


Why Fickleness?

Fickle, unpredictable.

All these while going through life, all I can witness is how fragile everything is. The weather, human, life, feelings, everything.

This moment you may be in love with something, but the next moment your "love" towards the something may not be there, at all, due to some reasons. You might be chatting happily over the phone with this person, but till then you find that this person has left you. People change, feelings change. There's nothing everlasting.

Yeah, so why do we complain so much about how terrible life is? Even though it's something small or even can be despised, but worth to be happy at, why not be happy for a few moments of life? We'll never know what's welcoming us the next second, something better or worse? Perhaps, as a few seconds foes by, there's nothing left. Nothing. Or we won't be seeing anything.

Ya, enjoy what's given to you. Treasure what's going on around you. Keep in mind that no matter how horrifying things are, you're not the only one.